About Us

Hie, I`m Becky

Born and raised in Zimbabwe but also a United Kingdom resident for over 20 years, the love of travelling captivated me from a very young age.
Having worked in finance for the most part of my adult life & part-time as an MLM marketer, I have met so many women who share the same passion but had no-one to travel with or the knowledge of where to go. After hitting the midife crisis age I decided to follow my passion and create a platform where women can just pay, pack and go with Ms Bee.
Some call me a travel addict, jetsetter, but I’m simply someone who recognizes that a passport is not just a form of identification.
My vision is to empower more women no matter their origin especially mothers to do something extraordinary and join MsBee Group travel on one of our catered trips.
Being a seasoned travelIer with over 30 countries under my belt, my personal, family and group goal is to keep our travel list growing every year. After all the world is there to be discovered!

And Here Is What I Do

To-date we have visited 15 countries. In developing MsBee Group Travel realized women travel groups are minimal and yet we are the planners of family based holidays. We are not just a leisure travel group and we also run business travel groups for women. The goal is to create a travelling sisterhood where we have fun, empower, encourage, connect, ditch the ordinary experience the extraordinary with like-minded people. We do trips all year round for business and pleasure and can help you plan your independent trip. We have also recently partnered with a premium company to offer holiday transfers from airport to hotel. If you need help with arranging your destination birthdays, hen parties and corporate events we also offer those kinds of services at a very low-cost.

Let Me Show You The World

I have dozens of breathtaking, jaw dropping, top of the list tour packages you really must enjoy before you die.
I have selected the top ten most beautiful sites in the world. And while some of them are very famous, a lot of them are places you may never have heard of.
We do more than just book flights & hotels we provide an experience.

Additional Services


NON REFUNDABLE Engagement fee for external group bookings. Not deductible from final booking


China - Guangzhou trip guidance, visa services support, guide services, where to stay, proven contacts and referrals.


To source holiday packages, travel advice, destination advice tailored to suit your travel style and needs.

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