If like me since March 2020 have been homeschooling, working pretty much-doing everything from home while complying to the quarantine lockdown rules and wondering if you will get a chance to holiday this summer then you might have heard of “air bridges” which brings back the excitement of going out and the possibilities of traveling to some countries without having to quarantine. The European Union has created an air travel bridge for travelers in the EU to travel without having to self-quarantine for 14 days on arrival and also when they get back to their home country.
Sounds good news, right? It does not mean there isn’t a risk, it just means that there are select countries with low rates of COVID-19 infection.

COVID regulations are still being enforced most coming with fines and in some cases imprisonment. Technically Airbridge is EU countries that have agreed to let other people from those respective countries come for holidays without the risk of having 14 days quarantine and also the risk of 14 days when they do come back to the UK. Temperature check at some airport is still mandatory. You might even have your temperature checked at the hotels, restaurants, and bars. So if you’re not feeling well, please don’t attempt to travel for non-essential purposes as you definitely won’t see your money’s worth.

The great thing about the information every country has made it clear on their travel page. So do confirm with the country you want to visit and your own countries information on travel regulations. Even if it means checking with your country embassy for more information. Most information is easily available at the Foreign Office. I personally have placed notifications on my phone for daily updates at the moment. I will say they are regularly updating most websites especially social media accounts. There are about 23 countries in Europe that are on the air bridge list, as from the 10th of July 2020, this is subject to change. Croatia has been removed from the list already. So l would highly recommend you actually sign up to the email alerts of the country you intend to visit.
I am a huge advocate for travel insurance. I mean, I literally sing about the importance all the time. Covid has made a tad bit more of an essential must when travelling. The good news is, although the Foreign Office it advises against all but essential travel, if you are traveling to one of the countries in the airbridge you may still be covered for travel insurance, but check with your insurance. They are making allowances for this. They are, putting adjustments for this so we can go out and have our summer holidays.
Once you’re there don’t forget that each country has its own regulations on Covid19, So check with the hotel or your guide or the destination that you’re going to, obviously because a lot of people there’s a lot of low confidence at the moment in travel.
Hotels may not be full as most people in Europe have decided to take the camping holiday route. The poolside and beach from most Updates of travelers on the MsBee Group Travel Facebook page, a little private beach experience is still doable. If you’re the sunglasses, mohito soaking the sun kinda person then hence forth with summertime.
I don’t know how to emphasize this but take your own hand sanitizers, gels, protective equipment, and medication. l posted a video about this a couple of weeks back on our youtube channel, link here:
l do appreciate your comments, suggestions, and feedback in the comment box below. A suggestion on a topic you might want to hear from me will be great. If you have recently traveled and you want to tell us what’s going on, and you have some news to share with us. I usually hold a live discussion on Facebook we can create a watch room and update each other.
Don’t forget to wear your face mask let me know would you be interested in a MsBee facemask:)